
The afb-helpers library is integrated by default in the AGL SDK since the Guppy version (>=7) and is also available as a package for the AGL supported linux distributions.

You could find the SDK build from Yocto which embed the afb-helpers library here:

Then use your package manager to install the library.


sudo zypper ref
sudo zypper install agl-libafb-helpers-devel


sudo dnf ref
sudo dnf install agl-libafb-helpers-devel


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install agl-libafb-helpers-dev

(Optional) Remove the git submodule version

If you already use the afb-helpers component but using the submodule version then you have to get rid of it to be sure to link and use the library version. To do so, you have to do the following:

# This example assumes that the git submodule is named app-afb-helpers-submodule
# and is located at your root project repository.
git submodule deinit app-afb-helpers-submodule
vim .gitmodules
    afb-helpers # REMOVE THIS LINE

Add the libafb-helpers as a static library to your binding

In your config.cmake file, add a dependency to the controller library, i.e:

    afb-helpers --> this is the afb-helpers library dependency name.