Available APIs

Introduction of Available APIs with categorization. If multiple categories apply, they will all be listed in the third column (e.g. first row in the following).

API Description Profile
agl-service-audiomixer Audio Mixer API
agl-service-bluetooth bluetooth binding Infotainment
agl-service-bluetooth-avrcp AGL service that allow multimedia control over Bluetooth AVRCP profile Infotainment
agl-service-bluetooth-pbap Bluetooth Phone Book Access Protocoll service Infotainment
agl-service-can-low-level Low level CAN service made to decode and write on CAN bus. Instrument Cluster
agl-service-data-persistence AGL binding for data persistence Instrument Cluster
agl-service-geoclue AGL Geoclue service to backup GPS positioning with network-based
agl-service-geofence AGL geofence binding to signal vehicle POI bounding box events Infotainment
agl-service-gps GPS binding Infotainment
agl-service-gstreamer (deprecated) GStreamer binding for multimedia control and playback Infotainment
agl-service-harvester V2C interface that collect data to TimeSeries database
agl-service-homescreen Applications need a new binding to communicate with homescreen Infotainment
agl-service-homescreen-2017 Binding for applications to communicate with the homescreen-2017 Infotainment
agl-service-hvac Unnamed repository
agl-service-identity-agent Identity Agent
agl-service-iiodevices iiodevices support Telematics/Connectivity
agl-service-mediaplayer AGL Media Player service that allows applications to control
playing media.
agl-service-mediascanner AGL Media Scanning service that allows applications to detect
and index media at...
agl-service-navigation Navigation API with binding Infotainment
agl-service-network AGL Network service providing support for management of networking
interfaces in...
agl-service-nfc AGL service NFC binding
agl-service-radio radio binding
agl-service-signal-composer AGL High Level Signaling service to handle CAN, LIN, and others
signaling source...
Instrument Cluster
agl-service-soundmanager Binding for applications to communicate with the soundmanager
agl-service-soundmanager-2017 Binding for applications to communicate with the soundmanager-2017
agl-service-speech AGL App Framework Binding for Speech Services Telematics/Connectivity
agl-service-steering-wheel And binding service for steering wheel demo Instrument Cluster
agl-service-taskmanager Simple taskmanager service to retrieve data from procps
agl-service-telephony Unnamed repository
agl-service-unicens Infotainment network setup and access (using Unified Centralized
Network Stack)
agl-service-weather AGL binding that uses OpenWeathermap data to display current
conditions on Homes...
agl-service-wifi wifi binding Telematics/Connectivity
agl-service-windowmanager Binding for applications to communicate with the windowmanager
agl-service-windowmanager-2017 Binding for applications to communicate with the windowmanager-2017
agl-service-xds AGL binding used to control collected data from AGL
supervision. (empty)
agl-service-xds-monitoring UNDER DEVELOPMENT