DRM Lease Manager


The DRM Lease Manager is used in AGL to allocate display controller outputs to different processes. Each process has direct access to its allocated output via the kernel DRM interface, and is prevented from accessing any other outputs managed by the display controller.

The display controller partitioning is made possible by using the kernel DRM Lease feature. For more information on the DRM lease functionality, please see the Linux kernel DRM userspace API documentation.


Building DRM Lease manager and sample clients

Enable the agl-drm-lease AGL feature when setting up your build environment with aglsetup.sh.

This will add the drm-lease-manager package to the image, and will add DRM lease support to the following packages:

kmscube is not included in the image by default. To add the package to the image, add the following to your local.conf

IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " kmscube"

Starting the DRM lease manager

The drm-lease-manager must be the only process to directly open the DRM device. Shut down any running window systems (eg. weston or agl-compositor) and run:

  systemctl start drm-lease-manager

This will create a lease for each output connection on the platform. The name of each lease will be in the form of card0-<output name> (eg. card0-LVDS-1 or card0-HDMI-A-1)

Note: drm-lease-manager can be started on a different display controller (i.e. not card0) by modifying the command line in the systemd unit file.

Run the help command for details.

  drm-lease-manager --help

Running weston

weston can be started on any available DRM lease by running with the --drm-lease=<lease name> option.

  weston --drm-lease=card0-HDMI-A-1

Running kmscube sample

With the drm-lease-manager running, kmscube can display on any available lease by launching it with the -L -D<lease name> options.

  kmscube -L -Dcard0-HDMI-A-1

Multiple weston or kmscube instances (one per DRM lease) can be started at the same time.

Adding support to your application

The DRM Lease Manager packages includes a client library (libdlmclient) to request access to the DRM leases it creates. The client library provides file descriptors that can be used as if they were created by directly opening the underlying DRM device.

Clients that want direct access to the DRM device can use this library to do so. Compositor (agl-compositor or weston) client applications do not need to use this interface.

To use the DRM leases, clients only need to replace their calls to drmOpen() and drmClose() with the appropriate libdlmclient API calls.

libdlmclient API usage

Error handling has been omitted for brevity and clarity of examples.

Requesting a lease from the DRM Lease Manager

  struct dlm_lease *lease = dlm_get_lease("card0-HDMI-A-1");
  int drm_device_fd = dlm_lease_fd(lease);

drm_device_fd can now be used to access the DRM device

Releasing a lease


Note: drm_device_fd is not usable after calling dlm_release_lease()

Runtime directory

A runtime directory under /var is used to keep the Unix Domain sockets that the drm-lease-manager and clients to communicate with each other.

The default path is /var/run/drm-lease-manager, but can be changed by setting the DLM_RUNTIME_PATH environment variable.