In the context of AGL, "applications" are usually considered to be standalone user facing infotainment applications that can be started in addition to the default "homescreen" or similar user interface that will always be present. Such applications can be enumerated and executed with applaunchd, the AGL application launcher service. The following sections walk through what is required to add an application to an AGL image that uses applaunchd, as well as discussion of developer conveniences that AGL provides to simplify doing so in the Yocto build environment.

Basic Requirements

As described in the applaunchd documentation, applications need to have a systemd system unit with a name matching the pattern agl-app*@*.service. The portion of the unit name between @ and .service is used as the application identifier (see Application Identifiers). The use of @ in the unit filename indicates the use of a template unit, which applaunchd assumes will be used for applications (see below). Template unit files are discussed in the systemd unit file man page.

The requirements on the unit file contents are:

Blah blah icon...

Graphical Application Requirements

In addition, graphical applications need to comply with a few more requirements:

  1. Each application must set a Wayland application ID appropriately as soon as its main window is created.
  2. The app-id used must match the application identifier specified in the systemd unit filename.

Doing so will ensure other software can associate the actual app-id to the proper application.

Note: application ID's are set using the XDG toplevel Wayland interface.

Application Templates

To provide a working example of application template units, AGL includes templates for generic, Flutter, and web applications as part of the applaunchd recipe in the meta-app-framework layer in meta-agl. If applaunchd is built into an image using the recipe, these templates will be available for applications to use for their systemd units by creating a symlink that includes the application identifier. To simplify this, a BitBake class named agl-app is included in the layer for use in application recipes. The different templates and their configuration will be discussed further in the following sections.

Generic Graphical Application Template

The agl-app@.service template unit is intended for simple standalone graphical applications. It makes the following assumptions by default:

If using the agl-app class in a recipe (with inherit agl-app), these defaults can be changed via the variables:

If set, these variables will trigger the generation of one or more systemd drop-in override files by the logic in the agl-app class. The use of drop-in configuration files is discussed in the systemd unit file man page.

Additionally, the variable AGL_APP_ID may be used to override the assumption that the application identifier is the same as the recipe name. If specified, its value should be the desired application identifier.

The following is a partial example BitBake recipe using the template for an application named foo:

SUMMARY = "foo application"
LICENSE = "Apache-2.0"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=ae6497158920d9524cf208c09cc4c984"

PV = "1.0+git${SRCREV}"

SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=https;branch=master"
SRCREV = "abcdef012"

S = "${WORKDIR}/git"

inherit agl-app


<Other application build configuration>

Note that this assumes that the recipe is named If the recipe was instead named something like, then AGL_APP_ID = "foo" would need to be added.

Flutter Application Template

The agl-app-flutter@.service template unit is intended for Flutter graphical applications that use the flutter-auto Flutter embedder. It makes the following assumptions by default:

If using the agl-app class in a recipe (with inherit agl-app), the use of the Flutter template can be triggered by setting the variable AGL_APP_TEMPLATE to agl-app-flutter, and the above defaults can be changed via the variables:

If set, this will trigger the generation of a systemd drop-in override file by the logic in the agl-app class. The use of drop-in configuration files is discussed in the systemd unit file man page.

Additionally, the variable AGL_APP_ID may be used to override the assumption that the application identifier is the same as the recipe name. If specified, its value should be the desired application identifier and Flutter application / bundle name.

The following is an example BitBake recipe using the template for a Flutter application named foo:

SUMMARY = "Flutter foo application"
LICENSE = "Apache-2.0"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://;md5=f712ede8d4f845976061925d1416fc40"

PV = "1.0+git${SRCREV}"

SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=https;branch=master"
SRCREV = "abcdef012"

S = "${WORKDIR}/git"

inherit flutter-app agl-app


AGL_APP_TEMPLATE = "agl-app-flutter"

Note that this assumes that the recipe is named, and that the application name in the Flutter pubspec.yaml is foo. If the recipe was instead named something like, then AGL_APP_ID = "foo" would need to be added.

Web Application Template

The agl-app-web@.service template unit is intended for web applications run using the Web Application Manager (WAM) service. It makes the following assumptions by default:

If using the agl-app class in a recipe (with inherit agl-app), the use of the Flutter template can be triggered by setting the variable AGL_APP_TEMPLATE to agl-app-web, and the above defaults can be changed via the variables:

If set, these variables will trigger the generation of one or more systemd drop-in override files by the logic in the agl-app class. The use of drop-in configuration files is discussed in the systemd unit file man page.

Additionally, the variable AGL_APP_ID may be used to override the assumption that the application identifier is the same as the recipe name.

The following is a partial example BitBake recipe using the template for a web application named foo:

SUMMARY = "Web foo application"
LICENSE = "Apache-2.0"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=3b83ef96387f14655fc854ddc3c6bd57"

PV = "1.0+git${SRCREV}"

SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=https;branch=master"
SRCREV = "abcdef012"

S = "${WORKDIR}/git"

inherit agl-app

AGL_APP_TEMPLATE = "agl-app-web"

<Other web application build configuration>

Note that this assumes that the recipe is named If the recipe was instead named something like, then AGL_APP_ID = "foo" would need to be added.