LAVA (Linaro Automated Validation Architecture) Lab is an open source automated testing framework. LAVA is a continuous integration system for deploying operating systems onto physical and virtual hardware for running tests. Tests can be simple boot testing, bootloader testing and system level testing, although extra hardware may be required for some system tests. Results are tracked over time and data can be exported for further analysis. For more information refer AGL LAVA site
As well as the packages docker, docker-compose and pyyaml mentioned in the top
level README, you will need the following:
1) The following ports are forwarded to docker and therefore need to be kept free
on the host machine:
69/UDP: proxyfied to the slave for TFTP
80: proxyfied to the slave for TODO (transfer overlay)
5500: proxyfied to the slave for Notification
55950-56000: proxyfied to the slave for NBD
2) You will need a remote power switch to remotely power the DUTs on and off.
3) You need to have an account with lava.automotivelinux.org. Please contact the
agl-dev-community mailing list if you would like an account, and include that you would
like to create your own lab in the email so that the relevant user permissions
can be set.
Steps to create your own LAVA lab¶
1) Clone AGL lava-docker image:
git clone https://git.automotivelinux.org/AGL/lava-docker.git
cd lava-docker
2) On the LAVA master web GUI, create a new API token:
3) Connect all the DUTs' serial to usb and ethernet connections to the host.
4) Edit the boards.yaml file:
Copy the API token you created in step 2 in the place of
. -
Add details of each board connected to the lab. See the top level README for
instructions. You will need the following:
any custom options you require in the kernel args
uart idvendor, idproduct, devpath
power on, off and reset commads for the power switch
To get the uart idvendor and idproduct, unplug and re-plugin the USB cable of the
device in question and then find the details in the latest output of:
sudo dmesg | grep idvendor
To get the uart devpath, run the command:
udevadm info -a -n /dev/ttyUSB1 |grep devpath | head -n1
NOTE: Make sure you have at least one "board" included. (It is easiest to keep
5) Run the automated setup script:
./start.sh slave
7) Check the web GUI to see if the lab has successfully connected to the LAVA
master: https://lava.automotivelinux.org/scheduler/allworkers. If it isn't, run the
following command for debugging:
docker-exec -it <name_of_docker_container> cat /var/log/lava-dispatcher/lava-slave.log
To identify the container name run the following to list the running containers:
docker ps
LAVA logs can be found in /var/log/lava-dispatcher/
8) Helper scripts
There are a few helper scripts to automate starting/stopping the lab.
./start.sh slave
./restart.sh slave
./stop.sh slave
Adding new device-type templates¶
Not all device types are supported by default. Templates for new devices will
need to be added to the LAVA master. Please submit new templates to the agl-dev-community
mailing list.
Before you submit any new device-type templates, please verify that they work.
You can verify that they work in LAVA by carrying out the following instructions:
1) Install lavacli on Debian Stretch or Ubuntu 18.04 and later (if you don't
have a compatible OS, please see https://lava.automotivelinux.org/api/help/ for an
alternative way to use the API)
2) Create your lavacli config file
touch ~/.config/lavacli.yaml
3) Configure this file to look like the following (note: use the first token
created in https://lava.automotivelinux.org/api/tokens/)
uri: https://lava.automotivelinux.org/RPC2
username: <username>
token: <API_token>
4) Add your device template to the master
lavacli device-types template set <device-type-name> <device-type-name>.yaml
NOTE: make sure your device-type templates always follow the following naming scheme: